Autism is a really big problem in the world today since it is known that autistic children cannot be cured but of course it does not mean that it cannot be helped. There is a question appears: which are the educational approaches most helpful to children with autism up to five years of age? This paper will present a few of the most recent and most helpful educational practices used to help children who are born with this disorder.
Autism is a disorder of neurological development and generally appears during the first three years of life and lasting throughout a person’s lifetime. The persons who suffer from this disease typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. So the involvements of other persons in overcoming their difficulties are very necessary.
After the child reaches the first two years of his life, the parents usually will notice that there are some symptoms appear and develop. For some Children with autism the symptoms usually develop slowly but some of them first develop in normal way and then regress. Even though early behavioral or cognitive intervention can help autistic children gain self-care, social, and communication skills, that disorder remains incurable and when they are growing up to their adulthood, generally they will never be able to live independently but there are many stories about autistic persons who are successful in their lives due to their special gifts in some aspects, so it is important for the parents to see the doctor if they suspect that their child may be autistic, because they have to be treated by an experienced physician in order to have their children diagnosed.
The parents should observe their activities and give them choice when they have to start activities and also let them know what task follows the next. This will give them a sense of control and stability. In Indonesia , the term autism is not very known so the parents who realize the mental condition of their children usually just bring them to the special school which takes care of children with all kinds of mental disabilities to be educated and some of them just keep their autistic children at home due to their economical conditions.
There are several kinds of therapy that can help children with autism. First is speech therapy, which involves the treatment of communication disorder. This therapy trains the autistic children how to deal with their difficulties in non-verbal communication, speech pragmatics, conversation skills, and concept skills because in order to interact with their communities those skills will be needed. The parents of children with autism most often notice the first sign of their children’s problem which is actually the loss of language that had begun to develop in the second year of life. Sometimes the initial concern may be that the child is deaf because they are unresponsive to the voice of others including their parents’ voice in their environment.
There is another way to help by giving them therapy. Music therapy is a form of communication that can be non-threatening and calming down the autistic child. By listening to music, playing musical instruments or singing, they will be stimulated to have positive change in their human behaviors since autistic children are hypersensitive to external stimulation. Music therapy can be used to develop social engagement, communication abilities, and also addressing emotional needs and quality of life.
The goal of occupational therapy is to improve their lives by giving cognitive, physical and motor skills so the therapy should be useful and helpful for the developments of the child and be able to live in society.
The goal of occupational therapy is to improve their lives by giving cognitive, physical and motor skills so the therapy should be useful and helpful for the developments of the child and be able to live in society.
“Occupational therapy is a treatment that focuses on helping people achieving their independence in all areas of their lives. This therapy offers kids with various positive needs, fun activities in order to improve their cognitive, physical, motor skills, enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. Occupational therapy is not only for adults but also children because children's main activities are playing and learning, so an occupational therapist can evaluate children's skills in doing their activities, school performance, and activities of daily living and compare them with what is developmentally appropriate for the children in that age.” (Kids Health> Parents> General Health> Aches, Pains & Injuries> Occupational Therapy: Retrieved 19.6.2010)
The purpose of this therapy is that the one of the alternative methods since children learn about the world through their senses. A common symptom of Pervasive Developmental Disorder and autism is an unusual response to the senses of hearing, sight, touch, smell and movement.
“Sensory integration therapy is essentially a form of occupational therapy, and it is generally offered by specially trained occupational therapists. It involves specific sensory activities (swinging, bouncing, brushing, and more) that are intended to help the patient regulate his or her sensory response. The outcome of these activities may be better focus, improved behavior, and even lowered anxiety.”(Lisa Jo Rudy, August 21, 2007 ).
In conclusion, this paper has covered in some detail and the best educational practices for autistic children which are available today.
.”(Lisa Jo Rudy, August 21, 2007 ). All about Sensory Integration Therapy and Autism
Kids Health> Parents> General Health> Aches, Pains & Injuries> Occupational Therapy: Retrieved 19.6.2010
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